Despite the best efforts of the Patagonian winds, we arrived in El Calafate this afternoon. Resources of time and internet access have been limited, but here are some interesting pics so far
Lago Mascardi, south of Bariloche
Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina
Argentina/Chile border, just before Futaleufu, Chile.
Futaleufu, Chile
Futaleufu, Chile
Roberto and Puente Roberto
"El no habla ninguna palabra en espanol"
Reserva Nacional Cerro Castillo, Chile
Lago General Carrera, Chile/Argentina border
Dad patagonico
Getting bored, about 100 km north of Gobernador Gregores
A gaggle of beautiful BMWs, in Tres Lagos.
Lago Argentino, 30 km north of El Calafate