After three unforgettable weeks here at Zoorefugio Tarqui, the time has come to say goodbye and start a new chapter of this trip. A full recounting of my time spent working here at the zoo and exploring the rainforest is coming soon, but for now here are a few peeks at life in the jungle.

Bros 4 lyfe (with Ricky the capuchin monkey)

Guacamaya (Scarlet Macaw)

Mama and Papa Tayra share a smooch

What A Pig (Amazonian Peccary)

Cuchucho (Coati)

Saimiri (Squirrel monkey a.k.a. Will-take-everything-out-of-your-pockets-and-eat-it monkey)

Ranger the Puma (Cougar / Mountain Lion)

Tapir table manners

Oso Perezoso (Three-toed Sloth)

Brenda the Jaguar